Tutorial Details
- Program: Adobe Photoshop CS+, Cinema 4D
- Difficulty: Advanced
- Estimated Completion Time: More than 10 hours
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Step 69
Alright, let’s jump into Photoshop and get this thing started! Open the render you made of the backdrop and ventilation shafts.Step 70
Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Gradient Map. Create a Gradient Map similar to the one below. The color sequence from left to right is: #350606; #752136; #ef5054; f5f7c3; eff0dd.Set the Layer Blending Mode to Multiply and Opacity to 70%.
Step 71
Add another Gradient Map with the following colors: #000000; #781212, #d86651; eda5aa.Step 72
Now we’ll start to include objects into our scene, by isolating them with an Alpha Channel. I’ll demonstrate this process with the first word. First of all, open the render you’ve made.Step 73
Now, also open the render you made that contains only the object, and no backdrop. If we would render the word with the backdrop, then the backdrop itself would show up in the Alpha Channel, leaving a selection of the entire canvas, instead of the word itself. Now open the Channels Tab and Command + Click on the Alpha 1 Channel to make a selection of its contents.Step 74
The problem with isolating objects like this is that you get a very thin over exposed outline. To cut this out, we’re going to shrink the selection by 1 px. Go to Select > Modify > Contract. When the dialog appears, make sure the field says 1 px, then click OK.Step 75
We’ll now save this selection, so we can load it up in the final ‘work+’ render. Go to Select > Save Selection.Step 76
In the Destination Menu, select the final render that you have of the ‘work+’ word. Then name it something, like alpha channel and click OK.Step 77
Head over to the final render, go to Select > Load Selection, and under the Channel Menu, find the one you saved. Press OK.Step 78
Before I turn this into a mask, I need to fix something I didn’t notice in the render. I’ve left a part of the black ceiling in the view, so grab the Marquee Tool, hold down Alt and drag over that area to make sure it’s not selected. That area will be completely dark later on and you probably wouldn’t even be able to notice it, but it’s a worthy precaution.Step 79
In the Layers menu, press the Add Layer Mask button to isolate the object quickly.Step 80
Drag this into the project and find a spot for it.Step 81
To simulate a Depth of Field, we’re going to blur some of the bolts that are floating around. Make a wide selection (leave room for the blur to spread) and go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. I’m not using Lens Blur in this case, because that will lighten the edges of the render significantly. Since this is a dark area, we don want that. I would advise to use Lens Blur over Gaussian in most cases though.After you applied the Blur, you may notice that the edges of the bolts aren’t blurred. That’s because you may be blurring only the contents of the image, and not its mask. After applying, don’t deselect. Go to your layers menu, find the layer you’re working on and click on the layer mask box to the right. Blur again.
Step 82
Repeat this process and cut out a version of the backdrops. Over these though, add a Gradient Map Adjustment Layer (make it a mask so it only affects the backdrops and no the background) with these colors: #222c48, #b6bac1.Step 83
Just like in the previous two steps, isolate the vents. I find the left side a bit too bright, so I’m going to darken it with a black-to-transparent gradient. Make it a mask so it’s only seen within the ventilation shaft render. I’ve highlighted the gradient with red in the second image.Step 84
Add the final render to the document; the word ‘play’. Isolate it the same way you did with the rest.Step 85
Make a selection of the layer, and while holding alt, remove most of the selection with the Polygonal Marquee Tool so you only have the bucket selected. Right-click inside the canvas and hit Layer Via Copy. Move this layer underneath, and don’t forget to remove the bucket from the original layer as well.Step 86
On the ‘play’ text layer, Create a Gradient Map Adjustment Layer as a Clipping Mask and change the colors to these: #1c1b1b; #ffffff.Set the Layer Blending Mode to Hard Light. This will increase the contrast of the type and bring out those lovely reflections.
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